Building owners & operators in all verticals want to assure their occupants that their buildings are clean and safe. Tapa allows operators to monitor and control the buildings virtually with sensors, controls and provide alarms / notification so that engineers are dispatched only when needed. Tapa's "No-Touch" hands free access for doors, elevators and other spaces.

Remotely monitor and manage your Buildings Internet of Things (BIoT) sensors and controls for HVAC, air handlers and a host of other devices to improve operational efficiencies and lower cost. Set up custom monitors to provide alerts and status on all your systems throughout the building. Collect data and introduce AI and predictive analytics to improve operations and lower costs.

Give your tenants the ability to control their personal comfort settings directly from their smartphone. Environmental controls for temperature, lighting, air quality, access, security and many others to satisfy tenant demands while lowering your time and costs. Integrated services allows tenants to schedule rooms and space directly, all delivering an industry leading Quality of Experience.

Do you know what your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) score is? The safe return to buildings, schools, churches, restaurants and your office will necessitate the need to ensure the air is clean and safe. The right combination of temperature, humidity, particle matter, CO2, air flow and more are required to deliver a safe total IAQ score in the green range. Tapa’s Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Solution is now available for your building’s continuous IAQ tracking.